Methodology for the Study of Ukrainian Culture in the Context of Archetypes

Serdecznie zapraszamy na spotkanie z filozofką prof. Natalią Kovalchuk

 13 marca o godz. 15.30, Uniwersytet Łódzki, ul. Lindleya 3/5, aula im. Iji Lazari-Pawłowskiej

 prof. Natalia Kovalchuk wygłosi wykład w języku angielskim

Skrócony biogram badaczki:

  • PhD in Philosophy, Professor
  • Her areas of interest include the history of religions, philosophy of religions, philosophy of culture, philosophy of Ukrainian culture, ethics and aesthetics
  • Author of more than 140 scientific publications, including 2 personal monographs, sections in collective monographs, sections in collective textbooks and 120 articles
  • Grant: Regional Scholar Exchange Program on the Ukrainian Institute of Harvard University (USA 1996)
  • Co-redactor of the Ukrainian-Polish scientific book Philosophy in Galicia, vol. 2, Kyiv-Rzeszów 2017-2019
  • Program participate: Horizon Europe Project HORIZON-CL6-2023-BIODIV-01-8
  • Recent publications:
    Fenomen uniwersalności w twórczości Iwana Franki
    Moral and spiritual principles of state activity of Yaroslav the Wise
    Cultural memory. Ukrainian Baroque in the context of the paradigm of dialogic Ukrainian culture
    Architecture symbolism of the St. Sophia Cathedralin Kyiv
    Features of Sacred Music in the Context of the Ukrainian Baroque


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